Chapter 5
Volume II

I really had no clue was was in store for me next, I thought well, its after sunset now, and I'll pose in the kitchen with the same oufit.  Then the photographer got one of his FTVgirls website ideas, and we ended up doing photos with kitchen utensils, namely a fork and spoon. Looks like the photos did capture the my private part juices that got stuck to them when I pulled them out from deep insertion.

At this point I was just being a fool having fun, and was acting silly playing with my breasts.  I kept looking at the female assistant instead of the camera, but she was making funny faces at me.  I almost managed to tongue my nipple.  You see video of me putting in both fork and spoon inside of me as deep as they go, and then pull them out with my juices on them.  I did taste them just a bit, so you can imagine its your mouth wrapping around them.  Vanilla or butterscotch flavor....  I rubbed the white juices on my leg and you can see it clearly. 
Copyright © 2004 RHS Photography, L.L.C.