Chapter 134
Volume I

I got all dolled up getting ready to go do a shoot and it turns out I wasn’t able to that day, my photographer was out of town. I looked soooooo cute and I was even wearing my new favorite socks. I had one of my girlfriends over and I put the camera in her hands and this is the result. We went to a lot different locations like my house, the park, and a canal by my house. People were everywhere!!! They were even this group of boys following us for over an hour so I wasn’t able to completely naked till we returned home. So here is the result. I think she did pretty well for it being her first time. 

I couldn’t decide on what I wanted to do for a video. So I was going through emails listening to my favorite cd that I always listen to when I am responding to all of you, when my girlfriend came up stairs and gave me a frozen ice pop. I love them! Anyways I decided to put the camera in her hand once again. She lit a candle and turn down the lights to give it that “your somewhere your not support to be” mood.  I began to lick and suck all the yummy juices out of my Popsicle.  Then I start to loose some of the clothing so the camera can follow the drops all down my body. From my mouth to my
Copyright © 2006 RHS Photography, L.L.C.