Chapter 93
Volume I

I really wanted to shoot in this new blue lingerie I got from Las Vegas, and it didn't matter for what shoot.  It was by chance that we decided it would go with the pool table.  Stayed on for long enough to show it off, but once the heels came off I was on top of the pool table getting naked.

Going down the stairs to the den, there's a pool table (mostly meant for the guys, seeing all the football things around) but I like playing pool and watching football too.  We started the video where I break the set, and have to clear the table, but something went seriously wrong, and I had some really bad luck sinking the balls.  I mean I don't think I've ever played this badly.  Believe me!  The videographer didn't even let me cheat inbetween takes.  And not only that, he would bring the camera into my face and distract me.  So as a 'reward', when I started clearing the table successfully, I stripped down until I was completely naked.  Some pretty nifty angles.  Then I had to 'play' with the pool stick.... the price of sucking I guess.
Copyright © 2005 RHS Photography, L.L.C.